A COVID-19 quick test clinic is coming to Washington County Hospital and Clinics starting on Monday. People expected to have the novel coronavirus will be able to be tested at the clinic. According to WCHC officials, over the last three weeks the facility has seen a decrease in the infectivity rate of the virus in local patients and fewer people reporting respiratory illness.
This decrease also means there’s less need for the Respiratory Triage Clinic that was established on March 18th. That clinic was used to test and treat patients with respiratory illness and COVID-19 related symptoms without patients entering the general hospital area. That clinic was decommissioned Friday and will transition into the new Quick Test Clinic on Monday at 418 East Polk Street, on the hospital’s campus.
People who have symptoms of respiratory illness should call 319-653-7291 to be pre-screened so medical staff can direct them to the best location for treatment. Walk-in appointments will not be accepted at WCHC at this time.