Personal protective equipment is still sought for medical providers as they treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Washington County Emergency Management Coordinator Marissa Reisen says gowns are still needed locally, “We are still looking to supplement our supply of gowns at our hospital, and at the long-term care facilities, and for our first responders. We did just get notification that HNI out of Muscatine is going to be donating. They’re changing some of their production line to make gowns. And I put in an order with them to get some for here in Washington County, and we got awarded a donation that they aren’t going to charge us for what we ordered. That is exciting and it’s nice to see even outside of county lines local companies are helping everybody out.”
People and companies who have PPE or have made PPE to donate to local medical professionals can contact Washington County Emergency Management. Reisen will then distribute it across the county where it is needed. Washington County has also received multiple deliveries of PPE over the last eight weeks to assist with COVID-19 treatment.