The City of Riverside has rescinded their resolution for the purchase of a new ambulance rig. This new rig would have cost the city $268,224. Discussions between the city council and Washington County Ambulance Director Jeremy Peck have been ongoing about a separate ambulance service in Riverside to help cut down on response times. At last week’s meeting, Peck said more meetings between Riverside and the Board of Supervisors should happen before any decisions are made. Riverside Mayor Allen Schneider tells KCII News what led to cancelling the purchase, “I think we were unsure how things were going to transpire with the ambulance service in the city and the county, so we thought it was getting a little bit ahead of the game to proceed with that order if the city decides not to pursue an ambulance service, which is kind of the direction we’re heading right now. At least for the short term, it doesn’t make sense to have that vehicle. We’re just kind of taking a step back at this point. We’re going to let the county get their service up and running, and see how that impacts service in the Riverside area in particular. And then probably revisit it in 6-12 months down the road, it sounds like.” The city currently has an EMT service run by volunteers, but is not licensed to transport individuals to area hospitals.