Governor Kim Reynolds announced Wednesday that effective this Friday all COVID-19 restrictions that are currently lifted in 77 of Iowa’s counties will be expanded statewide. Casinos and bars remain closed. Reynolds added that salons, barber shops, and massage therapy businesses will be allowed to open with capacity restrictions.
On Wednesday, an additional 17 deaths from COVID-19 were announced in Iowa, bringing the total to 306, eight of which have been Washington County residents.
IDPH has developed guidance that all businesses should follow as they reopen to the public including: frequent cleaning and sanitizing facilities; ensuring handwashing supplies are readily available for customers and staff; have signs posted to stay six feet away from others; allowing or requiring face coverings, appropriate leave policies to allow staff to stay home when ill or have been in contact with someone who is ill. People should stay six feet away from people in public and are encouraged to wear masks in public. People who have spent more than 30 minutes with a confirmed case will need to self-isolate for 14 days. Iowans over 65 years old or at a higher risk for COVID-19 are encouraged to stay home as much as possible.
Reynolds said they’ll continue a phased in approach with opening businesses, she said Iowa has felt the economic impact with closures and there have been disruptions with the nation’s food supply as Iowan’s provide 10% of the food supply for the country.
Reynolds added that people should continue to limit social gatherings to 10 people or less and limit contact. Reynolds said she felt things were stabilizing in Iowa including hospitalizations.
According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa has had 13,289 people test positive for the virus and 5,954 have recovered, or 44.8%. Iowa has 388 people hospitalized from COVID-19 and 133 people are in intensive care units with 101 people on ventilators. In Iowa, currently there are 707 ventilators available or 76% of the state’s ventilators.