KCII Radio has awarded two $500 Business and Broadcasting Scholarships. This year’s recipients are JD Stout and Sophie Bell. Stout is graduating from Keota High School and plans to attend William Penn University. Bell is a member of the 2020 class of Washington High School and will be attending Kirkwood Community College in the fall.
KCII General Manager Joe Nichols shares why it’s important to do this annually, “I think helping any kid to further their passions is something that we want to help with and feed that passion. And if this scholarship can help somebody to pursue a dream of theirs or a career they want to go into, we want to be a part of that and help them to do that. And also, we believe in the broadcasting industry, and hope that’s a passion that somebody else out there has. And who knows, we’ve had a lot of people who have received these from us and come back and been part of our company either with us or one of our sister stations.” Each year KCII Radio awards two $500 scholarships to students planning to study business or broadcasting at a two-year program or four-year college or university.