One area school will be celebrated for their efforts to push the importance of voting to eligible students. The Carrie Chapman Catt Award, named after the Iowan who fought for the passage of the 19th Amendment granting women the ability to vote, is given to schools that register at least 90 percent of their eligible students to vote. This year, Lone Tree High School will receive this award. This award was created last September by Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate to promote a state law permitting 17-year-olds to register to vote and participate in primary elections, so long as they turn 18-years-old before election day. Lone Tree will receive a commemorative banner recognizing their achievement as well as a trophy to be presented at a later time. Eligible high school students and adults are able to register to vote online at the Secretary of State’s website at https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterinformation/voterregistration.html to be able to participate in the June 2 primary election.