
Individuals and communities around the world are recognizing and honoring those with a birth defect called clubfoot. World Clubfoot Day is celebrated every year on June 3rd as a way to celebrate the accomplishments of Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, the creator of the Ponseti Method of curing and treating clubfoot among infants and young children. While not lethal, clubfoot is a birth defect that affects approximately 200,000 children around the world every year and causes the feet to be twisted out of shape or position, according to the Mayo Clinic. Locally, MD Orthopaedics in Wayland has worked with Dr. Ponseti to create a brace to treat clubfoot; which is sold internationally to over 129 countries. Physician Dr. Matt Prihoda wants to work to end the social stigma in other countries surrounding the defect and is excited to celebrate World Clubfoot Day, “I think the big thing about doing a World Clubfoot Day is communicating the message that there is hope, there is a method, it is simple. Getting the word out and getting people to know about it, not only in the United States, which is fairly well known, but more importantly internationally. We can address the social and spiritual stigmata that goes along with clubfoot and this disability. Get the message out, celebrate the advancements that are taking place and let people know about the hope that exists through proper treatment.” Prihoda not only wants those with clubfoot to be recognized, but all children with birth defects to be celebrated on World Clubfoot Day.