A facility is needed for the newly created Washington County Ambulance Department. In a special session meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday, Chairman Jack Seward said, “Ambulance Director Jeremy Peck is working on some alternative plans since the Washington County Ambulance, Inc. has broken off negotiations with us.” The department needs a place for operations and to house the ambulance rigs and equipment. A physical location is required to the State Department of Health for certification to operate the service. It is also needed to receive certification in order to bill through Medicare and Medicaid.
The supervisors approved a motion to authorize County Auditor Dan Widmer, County Treasurer Jeff Garrett, and Supervisor Stan Stoops to work with Tim Elliott and Elliott Realty to explore real estate solutions on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. The motion was passed unanimously by Seward, Stan Stoops, Abe Miller, and Bob Yoder, with Supervisor Richard Young absent from the meeting.
The current ambulance service contract with a private entity expires on June 30th and the county-operated service is supposed to begin July 1st.