A no-contact curbside service is available to check out materials from the Free Washington Public Library. The library is still closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic.There is a check-out limit of two books per patron and two DVDs per family. Pick-up days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. To request materials and schedule a pick-up time call the library at 653-2726 or email tammy.valentine@washington.lib.ia.us.
Materials will be placed in a bag and put on a cart at the front door of the library, they will be labeled with the patron’s initials and last three digits of your phone number during your scheduled pick-up time. To reduce the number of people at the pick-up area at once, only five people will be scheduled each hour. Materials must be returned to the outside book drops.
All materials will be quarantined for seven days before going back into circulation. To see a list of new materials click here.