The City of Riverside is preparing to open up city hall to the public. The city is installing a new foyer wall at city hall to protect staff and the public from spreading COVID-19. The only way the public and staff will interact with each other will be through a slot at the bottom of the newly installed wall, akin to a bank. City Administrator Christine Yancey says this will cost the city $3,756.89 and will be completed by the anticipated reopening of city hall on July 1. City staff will also be trained on updated cleaning protocols, which include wiping down surfaces after community members come in, and proper hand washing. As of June 1, the city reopened their parks, playgrounds, and ballfields to the public. Yancey says she has fielded plenty of calls for the use of ballfields. Guidelines set forth by the governor, and adopted by the Iowa High School Athletic Association, and the Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union will be enforced at ballfields, including keeping players six feet apart in the dugouts and limiting public interaction with players. The city will install signage around commonly used public areas to caution the public about using these areas during the COVID-19 pandemic.