A residential housing project in Kalona is being put to the drawing board. Northern Acres LLC and the Washington Economic Development Group are looking to construct a three-story, 12-unit residential building north of Dollar General on Highway 1. WEDG Executive Director David Collins says these units would primarily be occupied by Brenneman Pork employees in order to recruit and maintain quality employees and create more housing in Kalona. The total cost of the project is $2.1 million with the city providing a cash match for grants if the project is fully funded. Collins says Northern Acres is raising the required funds for this project and are applying for Iowa Workforce Housing Tax Credits to help with income taxes on the building. While plans are not finalized, the city council voted to pay the minimum of $12,000, or $1,000 per unit, as a local match if the tax credits are awarded. The tentative schedule for the start of construction is spring 2021 with completion by fall 2021.