
A rainbow run will be held in Washington Sunday to support the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate Pride Month. According to the Library of Congress, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month is celebrated each June to honor the Stonewall Uprising that happened in Manhattan in 1969. The first Pride march in New York City was held one year later, so this June marks the 50th anniversary of LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations.

The public is invited to go to Sunset Park Sunday starting at noon. Organizer Blair Farris says it’s important to hold an event locally, “June 28th is Pride Day and this is important because it’ll bring a lot of life to the community, and continue to have people feel comfortable and accepting of one another, and show that there are a lot of supports in the community.”

Farris says it will be a free gathering and people will have the option to take part in a walk or run. People are encouraged to wear white so as they walk through the park colorful powder will be tossed in the air to turn their white clothing into a rainbow of colors.