
Photo courtesy of Gish

As Independence Day is celebrated this weekend, some are unable to be with family and friends, including those who are deployed as members of our military, like Washington County Attorney Major John Gish. The Army Reservist got called up to active duty earlier this year. He first went to training in Texas at the beginning of March and has since been deployed to Kuwait. Major Gish spoke with KCII News this week and said that he is doing well and is the Nightshift Battle Major, overseeing the operations center during the night.

Ahead of the Fourth of July, Gish said, “With it being the Fourth of July coming up, that’s a date that lives on a lot of our minds. I think about the 56 individuals that signed the Declaration of Independence, who were willing to sacrifice their lives in pursuit of that life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I think that type of courage and selfless service are living on today in today’s military, and I’m pretty proud of that fact.”

He continues to keep an eye on the county attorney’s office from abroad. And he has a special hello for his family and friends, “I just want to say, ‘Hi,’ to everybody. ‘Hi!’ to my wife Nicole, Brennan, my son, and to Kaylee who’s ninth birthday is coming up soon, ‘Happy birthday, Sweetie!’”

Gish is expected to return to Iowa in early 2021. For the full interview with Gish click here.