
Relay for Life in Washington County isn’t being held in person this year, but the community of support is still strong. This summer would have marked the 20th year of holding a Relay for Life event in Washington County, but it’s been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Deb Tisor with the local organization says they’re currently working on fundraisers through online platforms to help raise money for cancer research and treatments, “Washington has always been a strong community supporting their residents, whether it’s in Washington or Washington County there’s a sense of community in all types of fundraisers to help each other. And cancer has not stopped, and so we’re not going to stop either. There are so many survivors in Washington County that understand that it doesn’t stop. There are people that have lost loved ones that understand that it doesn’t stop. So, we’re not going to stop. We’re going to be that community that keeps going strong.”

Traditionally, the annual goal is to raise $100,000. The goal has been lowered this year but they still want to raise funds to help cancer patients. Currently, they’re selling shirts, earlier this summer they held a dessert auction, and Tisor says to keep an eye out for a raffle. All proceeds go to Relay for Life. Click here for the Facebook Page with the Washington County Relay for Life online fundraising efforts visit this story at