
Checking the health of students before they set off for the first day of school could help to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Many schools are contemplating what to include in their return-to-learn plans before the start of school in August. One suggestion is for parents to do daily health screenings of their children before they head to school. Mid-Prairie Nurse Jaclyn Greiner believes this effort could be effective, “I definitely think we should be thinking about this every morning before we send our kids off to school. I know every district in the area is working closely with administration, school nurses. At Mid-Prairie we are working with the Washington County Public Health Department and trying to think about what guidelines we are going to put in place. We definitely do think about having parents take temperatures everyday before their child leaves because they see a lot of people sometimes before we see them at the school, whether it’s their bus driver, their day care provider, or day care classmates. We might have to have a little responsibility at home with that kind of thing.” The Mid-Prairie school board will share more information about their return to learn plan at a special school board meeting on July 27.