Hillcrest Academy has released more information about their return to learn plan for the school year. Beginning August 24, students will return to on-site learning but could transition to fully online learning quickly depending on the health situation. Students, faculty, and visitors will be required to wear a face mask or shield when inside the building. Other guidelines the school has created include keeping class sizes as small as possible, encouraging frequent hand washing, providing ways for students to socially distance, and cleaning and sanitizing classrooms after each session. The school also plans to hold as many athletic opportunities as possible with guidance from both the Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union. Online learning, if it’s needed, would feature both live and recorded lessons with additional attention to the consistent connection between students and faculty to ensure the emotional wellbeing of both parties.The school will continue to work alongside Johnson County Public Health and follow guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control to make the best decision for student learning throughout the school year.