
The Keota School District shared a draft of their Return to Learn plan and shows what students, parents, and staff can expect to see this upcoming school year. While optional, the district will have masks in reserve for students and staff to use and encourage mask use in congested spaces such as hallways. Non-essential visitors, such as volunteers, classroom guests, family member visitors, or lunch visitors, will not be allowed in school buildings at this time. In an attempt to prepare for the potential of fully online learning, the district has purchased additional electronic devices, including laptops, Chromebooks, and Ipads, that each student will be assigned to use at school. Students will have the ability to use an electronic device outside of school if they choose to adapt the hybrid model of learning or are in quarantine due to a positive COVID-19 case. Principal Jim Henrich feels comfortable with the on-site learning method and says if online learning becomes mandatory for schools to adopt, the district will be prepared, “Obviously there will be some things that we need to work on. We planned with my leadership team over the summer for various scenarios as best we can. For example the elementary is going to use the platform SeeSaw, so teachers will be trained in that. High school 7-12 will use what is called Google Classroom, which seems to be common across the area. We’ll have our issues, but I think we are in better shape than we were back in March. I think most districts would say that too.” The Keota School Board will formally approve the Return to Learn plan at the August 13 board meeting.