
A Fairfield athlete will be featured in a Netflix documentary telling the tale of the world’s third-largest sporting event, the Paralympic Games. The documentary, called “Rising Phoenix,” features silver medalist Matt Stutzman, also known as The Armless Archer, along with a full cast of other paralympians in their struggles to find success and their determination to never give up on their dreams. Stutzman explains what viewers can expect to see when the film releases, “There’s a part in the film I’m watching and the suspense builds up and for literally a couple of seconds, in my brain I’m like, ‘What’s going to happen?’ And I was like, ‘Wait, I was there, I already know all the stuff that happens.’ But that’s how well this thing was put together, it got me that much sunk into it. People are going to get some amazing things. You’re going to get ups and downs, and highs and lows, and they’re going to get incredible stories being told about how they had to deal with certain things in their lives and then they overcame them. They were mentally strong and it pushed them to be who they are today and to tell an incredible story about the Games. I think people are just going to be blown away by what they see.” Stutzman says he got the opportunity to meet two-time gold medalist sprinter Jonnie Peacock during the creation of the film. While his training has slowed down, he says he’s enjoyed plenty of time with his three sons, has lost a significant amount of weight, and is excited for the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics. The documentary will be available to stream on Netflix on August 26.