Senator Charles Grassely (R-IA) visited the world’s oldest continuously operating movie theater as part of his 99-county tour and met with constituents on Wednesday morning. The senator met with about 20 people in Washington, most wearing masks. He answered questions on a variety of topics including storm damage and recovery, small refinery waivers regarding ethanol and biodiesel, the Paycheck Protection Program, meat packing concerns, and care for veterans.
When asked about mail-in voting and the current state of the U.S. Postal Service Grassley said, “When asked about mail-in voting and the current state of the U.S. Postal Service Grassley said, “A lot of these changes that’s going on right now have been recommended a long time ago by the director of operations for the Post Office. So, this new postmaster has been in office for two months and he’s just continuing what other people started. But he has said now, because of the concern about mail-in voting that he’s going to stop all of those reforms.”
Grassley said the reforms will be suspended until after the election in November. He says voting regulations should continue to be set by each state. In Iowa, anyone can vote early by mail. Ballots can be requested through county auditors and they will be mailed to voters. A voter can then complete the ballot at home, mail it back or drop it off in person at the auditor’s office. In Washington there is also a drop box on the west side of the courthouse that can be used.
After leaving Washington, Grassley was headed north to see storm damage.