More than 1,000 Iowans have died from COVID-19. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, as of Thursday 1,012 Iowans have died from COVID-19. In total there have been 53,855 confirmed cases of the virus and 42,333 have recovered. In Washington County, there have been 11 deaths, 313 confirmed cases, and 286 recovered, or 91%.
As classrooms begin to hold lessons again, school districts are looking at counties’ 14-day rolling positivity rates. That is the metric the governor established for districts to apply to move to online learning for two weeks if rates reach 15%. As of Thursday, Henry County was one of the highest in the state at 14.2%. Keokuk County was 6.5%, Johnson County 6.2%, Washington County sat at 6.1%, Jefferson County was 4.9%, Iowa County was 2.3%, and Louisa County was less than one percent.