Iowa’s continuing weekly unemployment claims fell to 83,610 for the week ending August 15th. According to Iowa Workforce Development, there were 6,544 initial unemployment claims. Unemployment insurance benefit payments totaled nearly $23.5 million for the week.

FEMA approved Iowa’s application for the Lost Wages Assistance program. This program will provide Iowans whose unemployment is a result of the pandemic and who are eligible for at least $100 in benefits each week, the ability to also qualify for $300 in benefits retroactive to August 1st. Iowa Workforce Development states they are continuing to develop the implementation process for the program and will update their website with additional information.

Since the beginning of the pandemic the work search requirement was waived but it will be reinstituted in September. People who are receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance due to a medical condition or lack of childcare will not be required to begin work searches.