
The City of Kalona and the Washington County Conservation Department are working in conjunction to figure out how to best highlight the Southtown Subdivision’s land and natural resources. While ideas are in their infant stages, Conservation Director Zach Rozmus believes this partnership will give conservation a bigger presence in northern Washington County, “Having a bigger footprint in the northern part of the county, that’s a great asset. That’s going to be great for us moving forward because when people go out to that property in the future and see this great trail system that we can hopefully have in place or that we can highlight from the beginning, that will maybe encourage them all to say, ‘Hey, this is great, maybe we need to also check out Marr Park. Maybe we need to check out the Kewash Trail.’ This just has the opportunity to be a really unique blend between the City of Kalona and Conservation moving forward.” In the short term, Rozmus would like to see access to the county’s trail systems and fisheries available, and work on prairie restoration and preservation of the natural land.