
The Washington City Council is considering an ordinance to ban the use of fireworks in city limits. The current ordinance only allows the use of fireworks on July 3rd and 4th and on New Year’s Eve. The first reading of the proposal to ban them completely passed 5-1 earlier this month, and the second reading was placed on the agenda at their most recent meeting.

Mayor Jaron Rosien shared his thoughts but said it is ultimately a decision to be made by the six council members, “I believe that even if black and white it was made illegal that July 3rd and July 4th will look very similar in the future as it has in the past. And that this law is extremely challenging to enforce anyway. And that is just a fact of the matter, that it remains as an issue a lose-lose-lose situation for everyone involved: those who don’t want it, it’s a lose; those who do, it’s a lose; anyone who’s elected to office it’s a lose. There’s no winning with the fireworks debate.”

The five council members in attendance this week decided to table the item until all six are present to vote on the matter. The second reading will be placed on the agenda for their next meeting, scheduled for September 1st.