The State of Iowa has made $125 million available to local governments for COVID-19 recovery. City Administrator Brent Hinson said this includes $25 million to relieve local governments of any FEMA match for reimbursement of eligible expenses. At the recent Washington City Council meeting, Mayor Jaron Rosien explained how this will help locally, “We’re eligible for up to $171,832.26. Fantastic. And as Brent [Hinson] details, would basically, it’s accurate, and would cover our losses up to this point. There is future eligibility that I see submissions for October, August, and September. Awesome news.”
Hinson added that the funds “compares fairly directly with the shortfall we have suffered in Riverboat Municipal Grant funds for our projects, which is around $150,000 to date.”
The council officially approved a request for reimbursement from the Iowa COVID-19 Government Relief Fund for expenses from March 1 through July 31st. Expenses from August and September will be submitted later.