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The American Red Cross is spreading awareness for Sickle Cell Disease this month and is asking individuals to donate blood. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Sickle Cell Disease causes red blood cells to be hard and misshapen, causing major health issues such as tissue and organ damage, and acute anemia which can lead to strokes. This disease is present in 1 out of every 365 Black or African American births, and 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic-American births. American Red Cross External Communications Manager Laura McGuire says Sickle Cell blood donations are down from 15,000 per day, to 2,700 per day nationally, and now more than ever, donations are needed, “If you have sickle cell, you’re fighting it for most of your lifetime. It does require frequent transfusions. Transfusions, from what I’ve been told, I’ve spoken to a number of different Sickle Cell patients, say it’s a night and day difference. They could be struggling and be very sick, they go into the hospital, they get a transfusion, and voila, they’re back to themselves. This is something that can be recurring up to twice a month and throughout the year. So the need for having sickle cell donations is just tremendous.”
McGuire recommends individuals locate their nearest blood donation center or local blood drives and set up an appointment to donate today. One blood donation session can save up to three lives and help those suffering from various blood diseases, like Sickle Cell Disease.