The newly resurfaced Hoover Nature Trail in Louisa County will have its grand reopening this weekend. This $456,000 project was created to address drainage issues along the trail and improve the quality of the trail. The trail begins at the Louisa County Fairgrounds and goes southeast for two miles before stopping at the end of the county property line.
Louisa County Conservation Director Katie Hammond outlines more improvements and additions that will be coming soon to the trail, “In addition to resurfacing the trail, we’re working on trying to get the trailhead area. The trailhead is kind of neat. The design of it is like the old railroad turnstyle, so as you enter onto the trail from the south side of the fairgrounds, it’s got kind of the same concrete where it looks like you’re entering onto the trail through one of those old roundabouts. Eventually we are hoping to get some stuff planted there, maybe even later this week. Another goal of ours is to build a gazebo that would sort of be based off of the design of some of the old depot houses that were along the old Chicago, Rock Island Burlington railroad there.” A ribbon cutting event for the Hoover Nature Trail will be held on Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Hoover Nature Trailhead on the south side of the fairgrounds. Members of the public are invited to this event and are welcomed to use the trail after the event is over.