
Fifty evergreen trees will again be placed in Washington’s Central Park for the Lights of Love Memory Tree program and now is the time to reserve a tree. While the trees won’t be installed until late-November, now is the time to place an order. The Lights of Love Memory Tree program is organized by Main Street Washington for the holiday season.

Main Street Washington Director Sarah Grunewaldt says, “And those trees stay up through the holiday season, they add a little extra Christmas cheer to downtown. But then on the same token, it’s a tough time of year for people and it’s a nice way to remember someone you love that’s maybe gone.”

Trees sponsorships are $100 and funds raised benefit Main Street Washington’s mission to make downtown vibrant. Each tree will be decorated with white lights and topped with a large red bow, they will all be identified with the name of the honoree on a custom wooden sign. The tree lights will be turned on during the annual Holiday SNOW Lighting Ceremony on November 28th and they’ll remain up through New Years.

To get more information or to reserve a tree click here.