
Over 100 people donated blood in Washington, helping up to 504 patients. On Thursday, the Optimist Club of Washington held the community blood drive at the United Presbyterian Church with 117 donors giving a pint of blood. Of those donors, 108 people were able to donate a pint of whole blood or red blood cells for a total of 126 units for the afternoon community drive.

Optimist Club Drive Coordinator Don Pfeiffer applauded the donors. Two people donated blood for the first time and one person gave his 326th pint of blood, over 40 gallons of blood given one pint at a time. T

he next Washington Community Blood Drive will be December 17th and will be hosted by the Noon Kiwanis Club. Appointments to donate can be made online. According to Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center there is a critical need for O-, AB+, AB- blood.