In communication released this week by Sigourney Superintendent Dave Harper, more strict COVID-19 regulations will be in effect for those in the district until further notice. Harper states that they will be asking all staff and students to wear masks when they are within six feet of each other regardless of the amount of time elapsed. The goal, according to Harper, is to ensure that those students will not have to quarantine and miss school if there is a positive COVID case, due to recent changes in exposure guidelines from the state. This mask regulation does not apply if there is enough space in a classroom to social distance or if the students are involved in movement activities such as PE, athletics or recess. Disposable and cloth masks will be made available to students, and they can also bring their own from home. Students who do not follow this protocol will not face disciplinary action, but will be subject to quarantine if they are exposed. Administration plans to reassess the situation in three to four weeks.
The more strict stance is due to a spike in positive cases in Keokuk County. The rolling 14-day average is at 16.9% as of Tuesday with 86 current positive cases in the county, 40% of those occurring in the 18-40 year old demographic.