Washington Public Library’s annual Holiday Gone Green event is for the first time going virtual next weekend.
The public is invited to learn how to transform old holiday cards into a table centerpiece, which you can use to decorate your home or give to a loved one. Youth Services Librarian Jenisa Harris has prepared the craft kits for participants to pick up from the library, and she will be leading the activity through Zoom at 10 a.m. Saturday, December 12th. Harris says this will be her first time hosting a Zoom event, and she hopes to make it as festive and fun as possible, “I also included hot cocoa, I thought it would be fun to enjoy some hot cocoa. Hopefully have some festive music in the Zoom room too, to make it feel holiday and fun and just chat while we do it.”
Attendees must contact Harris at jenisa.harris@washington.lib.ia.us to preregister in order to receive the Zoom link, and participants must pick up their craft kit by Friday, December 11th. The kit will include supplies as well as a list of what other items you may need to complete the craft, and Harris recommends that those in 5th grade and younger be accompanied by an adult for the activity.