
Washington residents are invited to help the City’s police department craft a strategic plan.

Police Chief Jim Lester opened the online survey this week which he says will be available for the next week or so for residents to share their impression of the department as it relates to their core values of teamwork, professionalism, integrity, advocacy and empathy, accountability, and communication, “We’re asking the public to be honest with us and tell us what we do well, ways that we can improve our service, what the community maybe thinks we should focus on as the City grows, and what they are expecting of their police department.”

As Lester has worked for the department for a year and a half, he hopes the strategic plan that will be crafted from the survey will set the department’s priorities and vision for the next 3-5 years. Survey submissions are anonymous, and should take about five minutes to complete. You can find a link to the survey here.