
Welcome To Riverside

Riverside residents and property owners will be receiving a survey in the mail to help officials gauge the level of interest as well as possible features for a new community center.

Mayor Allen Schneider says over 1200 surveys are being sent out in effort to move forward on a project that has long been in the works, “It’s been an ongoing discussion but other priorities have taken precedence to this point. I would really like to see us at least get a start on this. It’s not something that’s going to happen overnight, but (it can) at least get us moving in the right direction. We’re hoping this gives us an idea of what people want to see within the building and that will allow us to come up with a design concept and then potentially send it out for a full design.”

Schneider says if you have a Riverside address and didn’t receive a survey by mail, you can contact City Hall.  He says there are also select locations in the city with QR codes people can scan with their mobile phone to complete the survey. Schneider says the city hopes to finish collecting survey results within the next four weeks.