
This week will feature the first of two scheduled “early out” days in an effort to give a break to teachers and staff in the Sigourney and Pekin school districts.

Shared Superintendent Dave Harper says both districts will dismiss classes at 1:00 p.m. this Wednesday and Wednesday, December 16 as a way to allow staff a breather in the midst of a school year challenged by the pandemic, “They’ll never get enough time (off) that they need, but at least we’re looking at these early dismissals as giving them an opportunity to catch their breath, we’re hoping [with] these early dismissals. Whether they use it as time to work or just go home, they’re not going to be required to stay. It’s their own time to get organized and set. If they need to take a mental health break, they’ll take a mental health break.”

Both school districts have conducted onsite learning since the school year began, but Harper says there have been individual students who have had to learn virtually while being quarantined for COVID-19 exposure, which creates a “juggling act” for teachers to keep up with.  Harper says they’re fortunate to have staff dedicated to doing what’s best for their students. He says the community also deserves praise as they navigate through the pandemic.