
An extension of an agreement that was originally made in November of 2018 with Iowa Bridge & Culvert was approved by the Washington City Council during their recent meeting.

Iowa Bridge & Culvert CEO Burge Hammond and COO Brian Uitermarkt both discussed with the Council their request to amend the agreement concerning the fencing of their property on West 17th Street. They stated in a letter to Mayor Jaron Rosien that they have constructed about half of the fence dictated in the agreement, but the remainder of the construction would require the removal of a line of trees and shrubs. Uitermarkt mentioned that property owners across West 17th Street contacted them requesting those trees not be removed.

City Administrator Brent Hinson recommended that he and the Council investigate the area further to see if the rest of the fence can be accomplished in a way that would allow most of the mature trees to remain along the fence line. Rosien said the city could foot the bill to plant more trees along the property, and Council Member Steven Gault asked whether the new fence could be built in between the existing trees and those to be planted later. The Council approved a motion to extend the business’ agreement until December of 2021.