Lone Tree students will be returning to the school district’s buildings this Monday.
The district’s online waiver from the Iowa Department of Education is set to expire today, as 100% remote learning was conducted since November 23.
At their school board meeting Wednesday night, Superintendent Ken Crawford says the decision was made to return to 100% onsite learning starting Monday, December 14th, “The school board was really worried about Thanksgiving gatherings and having a surge (in COVID-19 cases) right after Thanksgiving so we did a waiver right away for the two weeks after Thanksgiving. And the numbers, as our school nurse reported, we have very few cases and few quarantines right now, so the board made the decision to go back full-time until further notice.”
While the district as a whole is returning to the classrooms, Crawford says they’ll make exceptions for students who wish to remain attending school virtually. Crawford adds that all extracurricular activities may resume as early as tomorrow, which will allow athletic teams to start practicing again this weekend.