Registration is due Monday (Dec. 21) for kindergarten through fifth grade youth to participate in Winter Nature Camps offered by Louisa County Conservation.
Naturalist Lana Artz-McComb says camps will be from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Virginia Grove Recreation Area December 28 and at Chinkapin Bluffs Recreation Area December 29. She says kids are invited to experience the great outdoors, “We’re going to take advantage of the winter for some off-trail exploration. Instead of sticking to the trails like we would during the spring and the summer, we’re going to go off-trail. We’re going to talk about animal adaptation, how do animals stay safe and warm and find food when they’re out in the winter.”
McComb says kids can build animal shelters, play games, and see what they can find during their outdoor adventure. She says camp staff will be wearing masks and while kids are encouraged to wear masks, all activities will be outside making social distancing easier.
McComb says since the camps are outdoors, kids need to dress for possible weather changes, “We’re going to be outside for the two hours so I always recommend plenty of layers. It’s always easier to take off a couple of layers than not wear enough. So dress up, you can always take off layers if you need to.
The cost of each camp is $5 which McComb says can be paid when kids arrive at the camp. Click below for more information.