The Washington County Board of Supervisors continued discussion of the compensation board’s fiscal year 2022 salary recommendation and took action during their recent meeting.
The compensation board recommended a 3% increase for all county employees, excluding the Board of Supervisors, and the Supervisors decided to table action on elected officials’ salaries until the next meeting. The Supervisors discussed whether to give county employees a percentage or dollar amount increase for next year, and County Engineer Jacob Thorius and Sheriff Jared Schneider gave some clarification on their salaries. Thorius stated that what the Supervisors do doesn’t affect his salary, as it is tied to the rest of the state’s county engineers. Schneider informed the Board of several counties’ salary increase recommendations and what those county’s ultimately approved this year. The Supervisors then voted on a motion for no increase which died on a 3-2 vote, and then they voted for a 2% increase as a budget guideline for the county departments, which passed unanimously.