In order to keep Mrs. Claus and the workshop elves healthy, as well as Washington residents, Santa Claus has been visiting with area children through the Zoom video conference application this year.
Santa Claus worked with Main Street Washington to coordinate scheduling the Zoom meetings over the last few weeks, and he says it’s been relatively easy as many children are experienced with Zoom through school work, “That’s been kind of neat because they get to still see Santa Claus, but at the same time they get to do it in the comfort of their own home. It’s interesting talking to children who are sitting there talking to you in t-shirts and bare feet, which they can do when they’re running around in their own home. So there’s some real pluses and some real minuses about it, but I think overall the pluses are better and it’s a great way to see Santa.”
Santa adds there’s been several children who have taken him virtually into their bedroom for him to see how messy their room might be. He recommends that in an effort to limit possible spread of COVID-19 this year, children should refrain from setting out milk and cookies for him on Christmas Eve. He also assures that he’ll be sanitizing the homes after every gift delivery. You can hear more from Mr. Claus during a two-part Halcyon House Washington Page on air and at