Washington-area residents can get a hefty lunch or supper to-go from the Washington Fire Department tomorrow.
The annual pancake day is taking place from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. at the fire station, but this year the pancakes, eggs, and sausages will be served strictly to go in a drive-through fashion from East Jefferson Street. Fire Chief Brendan DeLong says the proceeds from this fundraiser goes toward new equipment and training for the department’s volunteer members, “This fundraiser is by far the biggest one for us for the year. We have a couple others usually throughout the year, but with the COVID-19 pandemic going on a couple of those are cancelled already so we’re kind of relying on this one to support us for the year.”
Tickets for pancake day are $7 for adults and $5 for children six and older in advance, and $8 and $6 respectively at the event. DeLong highly encourages attendees to buy their tickets in advance to help speed up traffic flow and limit possible spread of COVID-19 at the event. You can purchase tickets at the fire hall, Washington State Bank, or from any department member.