The Washington School Board approved a modification of their spectator policy Wednesday evening.
The district announced last Friday that they would continue allotting two tickets per event participant following Governor Kim Reynolds’ proclamation lifting spectator restrictions, though the two tickets would allow a participants’ entire household to attend if they arrived together. Superintendent Willie Stone says the board decided Wednesday night to also include grandparents with participants’ households, effective Thursday. Stone explains that if a household has more than one participant, each participant is still allowed two tickets, “Now as far as if a family has two students in the same household, yes, they get four tickets. Their household will still enter on two tickets, and then the other two tickets, we can’t really figure out a way around it. The other two tickets they can give to someone else if they want and they’ll be used as single tickets only.”
Activities Director Brent Van Weelden explained during the meeting that they are keeping these ticket restrictions in place to make sure that social distancing is upheld. He mentioned at one point the administration was issuing a ticket for each member of a participants’ household, but those tickets then were used by other students. Though Van Weelden appreciates students’ desire to support the school’s athletic teams and other groups, he felt that method wasn’t feasible during the pandemic.