Offering help and hope to people struggling with issues such as financial troubles, adequate work experience, or just having a place to belong, Cornerstone Community Well has opened a new resource center in Fairfield.
The first Well opened in Pella 10 years ago followed by a center in Knoxville. Director of Advancement and Marketing Eden Youngberg says opening a Fairfield center started becoming a reality about a year ago, “We announced that we would be going to Fairfield in February of 2020, which was really exciting for us. We decided it was the right move and that there were enough resources, there were willing people who wanted to be involved and that transitioned us into purchasing a building in August. It’s located at 1700 South Main Street in Fairfield which was the old Foursquare Church.”
Youngberg says The Well in Fairfield has a thrift store and resource center and will be adding a works program to assist people in developing work skills as well as obtaining employment. You can find out more about The Well by clicking here.