The first monthly “Foundation Friday” promotion is being held by the Community Foundation of Washington County, serving to raise awareness of the foundation’s work in establishing endowments for local causes with a fundraiser going on this week as well.
As the foundation cancelled their annual fundraiser last fall, the Washington Fareway is partnering with them for a roundup fundraiser from now through January 23rd. Executive Director Millie Youngquist says on the fourth Friday of each month, various businesses in Washington County will offer promotional material on the foundation and what current endowments you can donate towards, or whether you’d like to form your own, “The minimum amount to start your own fund is $10,000 and there is no fee to set up the fund. And the organization that receives the distribution needs to be a non profit, preferably with a 501(c)(3) status, then there’s an agreement that is written. We can accept donations of cash, we can accept stocks, appreciated stocks, IRA distributions, property, there’s many different kinds and ways of funding an endowment.”
Youngquist adds that endowments made through the foundation are also eligible for the Endow Iowa Tax Credit. Recipients of the community foundation’s endowments include the Highland Community School District, the Kalona Historical Society, the Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, and Crooked Creek Christian Camp. You can find more information on the foundation here.