
Photo courtesy of Washington Public Library.

Fiber Arts February returns to the Washington Public Library, with a variety of virtual events to get residents’ creativity running.

Librarian LeAnn Kunz will be leading four Zoom workshops about creating painted fabric scrap collages for all ages on Fridays February 5th through the 26th at noon and 7 p.m. Library Director Bryna Walker says the annual “Recycled Runway” competition will happen virtually this month, “So basically what we’re doing is challenging you to design a piece of clothing but out of recycled material. And so what we normally use old book pages so if you need any book pages we have obviously a lot here, we use newspapers, it’s just being creative and creating your own piece of clothing and then she will go ahead and there will be an outfit with the most votes on Facebook will be the winner.”

Another fiber arts event happening this month is a no-sew emoji pillow workshop on Monday, February 22nd at 4 p.m. for those in third through 12th grade over Zoom. For information on how to register for any of the Fiber Arts February events, click below.
