
Temperatures in the single digits are predicted over the next several days for Washington County, which can mean dangerous cold conditions for those outside.

Washington County Emergency Management Coordinator Marissa Reisen recommends to be properly dressed, especially covering extremities, even if running a quick errand, “Make sure you’re dressed in layers, it’s better to have a lot of light layers than just one heavy layer and if you’re going outside to shovel or throw salt for all the ice. If you start getting sweaty from the work that you’re doing, that should be your indication that you need to go inside. Once you’re sweaty that can increase the rate at which your temperature drops.”

The National Weather Service states that hypothermia occurs when your body temperature sinks below 96 degrees fahrenheit, which is a serious health hazard. Reisen says frostbite can happen in minutes, especially on extremities like fingers, toes, nose, and ears. If these or other exposed areas of your body start to feel numb, Reisen urges to immediately move inside to a heated location and slowly begin warming the affected areas using room temperature water, blankets, and other coverings. She also encourages listeners to drink plenty of fluids as hydration increases the blood’s volume, which helps prevent frostbite.