
No matter your relationship status, the Washington Public Library has several events this month to celebrate, or denigrate Valentine’s Day.

Youth Services Librarian Jenisa Harris is hosting an “Anti-Valentine’s Day Party” this Friday at 4 p.m. via Zoom. Library Director Bryna Walker says participants must register ahead of time to pick up a party kit of food, games, and crafts, “This is for 6th grade through 12th grade, so a lot of these include our Teen Advisory Board members but also any other tweens that would be interested in joining Teen Advisory Board in the future or just anybody that would like to do this.”

Readers of all ages can also have a “Blind Date with a Book” all this month by selecting a book based on its “pickup line” in the library’s window display. Patrons are reminded that the library is open for express checkout by appointment only. Email jenisa.harris@washington.lib.ia.us to register for the Anti-Valentine’s Day Party.