Four wrestlers from the KCII listening area brought home medals from the 2021 state wrestling tournament in Des Moines over the weekend. Top finish came from Columbus junior Lane Scorpil who took third place in the 113lbs class 2A weight class. A pair of Highland teammates also medaled at the tournament in class 1A with sophomore Easton Schlabaugh and senior Bryce Thompson each finishing in fifth place. Mid-Prairie’s Cael Garvey was the eighth place finisher in class 2A’s 195lbs weight class. A total of 11 wrestlers from southeast Iowa competed including Cade Molyneux and Cade Striegle from Sigourney-Keota, Landan Provino from WACO, Ayden Frazer from Washington, Ben Meader and Josh Wallington from Mid-Prairie and Chance Malone from Columbus. A full list of detailed results can be found online at KCIIradio.com and during the KCII sports page.