
A first reading was approved making changes to the animal protection and control ordinance at the most recent Washington City Council meeting.

The council held a workshop on the revisions, which gives Police Chief Jim Lester more discretion to settle situations before they make their way to City Administrator Brent Hinson or the council, in light of recent dog bite cases. Mayor Jaron Rosien comments on the chapter’s adjustments, “Chief Lester’s predecessor wanted an ordinance that was extremely black and white, which was what we kind of dealt with before where there was no gray area. And the changes proposed here in chapter five which we can look at basically just allow more discretion, more options for chief to work with the law and give options. And I think it serves not only the police department better, it serves the public better.”

Other changes were made to align with updates in state code. The ordinance now includes further definition of a vicious animal, animal neglect or cruelty, and abandonment of cats and dogs. It also mentions that the costs of caring for a quarantined animal must be paid by the owner prior to the animal’s release. The council approved the first reading with two amendments for grammatical changes, an amendment to keep a section regarding tethering, and removing a section describing instances where the animal neglect or cruelty code doesn’t apply. For a link to the ordinance revisions excluding the four amendments, visit here.