
National FFA Week was celebrated by the Washington High School chapter with some changes in light of the pandemic.

Chapter Reporter Senior Charlie Henriksen comments on the celebration’s changes, such as serving breakfast pizza directly to teacher’s classrooms instead of their traditional appreciation sit-down gathering, “Well, you know it’s been kind of limited ever since COVID I guess everything has but in previous years we had a lot more freedom especially with Ag Olympics and the teacher breakfast that we do every year we really got kinda limited on that this year.”

The chapter still had some fun, with dress up days and decorations around the high school. Chapter Secretary Senior Olivia Marek shares that several chapter members took part in Friday’s tractor ride that began at the county fairgrounds, some of them even sleeping in their tractors the night before, “We usually go to Hy-Vee and eat breakfast there but this year we ended up going to Evan’s Welding and the Cattlemen’s cooked breakfast for us there. So we had some steak and pancakes and eggs and cinnamon rolls which was really good. And then we kind of did our usual lap around and headed back to the high school to lineup and stopped to take some pictures on airport road.”

Two Washington FFA members recently advanced from the sub-district convention to the district convention happening on March 6th: Henriksen for ag sales and Teague Mayer for ag broadcasting.