
The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved a quote for a modular bridge during their recent meeting.

County Engineer Jacob Thorius informed that the improvement would be for Elm Avenue northwest of Wellman, which he said is a dead end road with only four residents. He did say the bridge is weight restricted and is affecting the farmers traveling the route. Thorius said the plan is to replace the bridge with a prefabricated structure that comes in three parts, “The quote here is for $40,000 for the bridge itself. We’ll still have to do work to remove the existing structure and place some rip rap and do some other shaping and rock work there. I think the cost would probably be around $75,000 to do in-house and we contract a few things out.”

The board approved the purchase unanimously, as well as personnel change requests from the engineer’s office for two employees who were listed as backup secretary/office manager but hadn’t been used in that position for quite some time.