The Washington Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to hosting an additional event to benefit local teachers next year, and in the meantime they recently surprised local schools with donations of needed supplies.
Chamber Event Coordinator Alisha Davis says the Educator Breakfast Committee is planning to have a Teacher Night Out in addition to the appreciation breakfast they usually host in August to kick off the school year. The new winter event will feature appetizers and drinks for teachers, and 40 sponsors will set up booths to distribute supplies. Davis says as the inaugural event is a year away the Chamber got together to help teachers and staff now, “We decided we still wanted to do something so we just got together and partnered with Walmart and purchased some of those top items that are needed in the schools.”
Davis says the Chamber delivered sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, and tissues to St. James Catholic School, Stewart and Lincoln elementaries, and the middle and high schools, “We got to meet with the principals or administrators of each school and they were excited to get everything, and just something little and nice that we can do right now with everything going on.”
Those who would like to volunteer or help sponsor the inaugural Teacher Night Out event can contact Davis at 319-653-3272.